Celine Dion Weight Loss

Celine Dion has always been open about her weight and her efforts to lose it. Now, at the age of 53, she is even more vocal about it. ”I haven’t lost so many pounds in a long time,” she told People magazine. ”I always feel good and it makes you want to work out more.” Celine Dion also wants people who believe she’s lost weight to realize that she’s doing the right thing by doing it. The 53-year-old pop star, who’s now the new spokesperson for American designer Louis Vuitton, claims she’s lost some weight but insists that she’s perfectly fit.

According to a recent interview with Access Hollywood, Celine Dion says she’s happy that she’s lost all those unwanted pounds because it means she’s finally getting recognized by the public. ”People who see me on the street, they don’t recognize me, they just notice my shoe size now,” she said. She further added, ”I am happy that I have finally been able to get rid of all this weight that I have wanted to lose. It’s nice to hear things like that from somebody who’s successful and famous.”

While she may be successful at it, many experts agree that it takes more than just good looks and effort to achieve weight loss. ”The reason why people continue to struggle with their diet and exercise programs is simply lack of consistency and motivation,” says Dr. Michael Allen, a certified nutritionist and medical adviser to The Atkins Diet. ”Celine Dion has obviously succeeded in shedding the weight, but she must maintain this weight loss if she expects long term success with her fitness program,” he continues. ”She needs to follow a sensible eating plan and make sure that she burns more calories than she takes in every day. This will not happen if she just sticks to her plan like a camel,” he concluded. So even though Celine may have lost the weight, she still needs to work on her motivation and nutrition if she wants to achieve long term success with her weight loss plan.

Celine Dion Weight Loss
